Slow Horses - Fiasco - Review

The Slow Horses are on the run; abandoned by MI5 and thrown to the dogs. Lamb and Cartwright are on their own to find proof that Taverner or...

MOVIES (GFF 2022): One Second - Review

Zhang Yimou’s One Second has undergone a turbulent release schedule that made the wait for it seem eternal – pulled at the last second f...

MOVIES (GFF 2022): The Worst Person in the World - Review

Joachim Trier’s visual style is unmatched; a work of art that the director has carried over from films like Thelma and Reprise , beautifu...

MOVIES (GFF 2022): The Quiet Girl - Review

Our location is Ireland 1981. Filmed, unlike that of most of its ilk, argely in the Gaelic language save for flashes of English deployed s...

MOVIES (GFF 2022): The Blind Man Who Did Not Want To See Titanic - Review

The Blind Man Who Did Not See Titanic is a genius film in part because of how it operates – casting an actually blind actor as its blind...

MOVIES (GFF 2022): Yuni - Review

In a good world, Yuni has the raw power and honesty of a coming-of-age story that should put it right up there with the classics of coming-...